리그 오브 레전드/롤 PBE 서버 변경 및 소식

롤 10.19 PBE 패치노트 : 스킨 조정 및 지속적인 TFT 테스트

gametory 2020. 9. 5. 17:47

롤 시즌10 공략 정보 업데이트 : 롤 스킨 / TFT 테스트
리그오브레전드 롤 공략 / 이벤트 업데이트 및 소식 💕

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9/4 PBE 업데이트 : 스킨 조정 및 지속적인 TFT 테스트

Skin Tweaks

As noted by Riot 6armedrobot, PsyOps Kayle's hair color was tweaked in her unmasked form, making it a little redder:



TFT: Fates Continued Testing

TFT: Fates continues testing on the PBEthis cycle! Check out these articles on TFT Fates for a look at the new set:

Here's the latest changelist from Riot Mort:

"Changes for 9/4 Deploy 
Note - This is the last major deploy until probably Tuesday or Wednesday. So enjoy the stability for a while and keep giving us feedback! 
Leveling Changes
-Level 5: 12 >>> 10xp (This is a revert)
-Level 6: 24 >>> 20xp (This is a revert) 
-5-Cost Chosen can no longer drop at Level 8. 
Balance Changes 
---AS Slow Duration: 3/5/8 >>> 2/4/6 seconds
---Fixed the issue where Crit Chance and Crit Damage were backwards. Mort’s dumb.
---Duration 5/10 >>> 4/12 seconds
---AS Per Stack: 12/20/30/50 >>> 12/20/35/60
---Shot Frequency: 3/3/3/3 >>> 3/3/2.5/2 seconds
---Shield: 175/225/300 >>> 200/250/300
---Bonus AD & AP: 45/100 >>> 50/120
---MR: 40/100/200 >>> 35/100/180
---Bonus HP: 200/400/700 >>> 200/500/800
---Bonus SP: 20/40/70 >>> 20/50/80 
------Spell Damage: 35/65/100 >>> 40/75/125 
------Spell Damage: 250/375/600 >>> 200/300/450
------Spell Shield: 500/750/1200 >>> 400/600/900 
------AD: 70 >>> 75
------AD: 85 >>> 90
------Spell Damage: 250/275/400% of Talon’s Attack Damage (all multiplicative with AP) >>> 200/225/300% of Talon’s Attack Damage (not multiplicative with AP, can always crit, applies Lifesteal) + 100/250/500 bonus (multiplicative with AP, can always crit, applies Lifesteal) 
-Gargoyle Stoneplate
---Armor & MR: 15 >>> 12
-Sunfire Cape
---Burn Cooldown: 2 Seconds >>> 1 Second 
-Bugfix - Fixed some cases where Sett would attempt to ult, fail to find a valid target, and get stuck for the rest of the round. There may be other cases so keep reporting them!
-Bugfix - Blue Buff Ahri won’t start gaining mana early when double casting with mage."



  • Loot asset added:
    • Worlds 10 Year Anniversary Capsule
    • "A capsule to celebrate 10 years of League of Legends Esports. Open to reveal a legacy Worlds icon or emote from some of the best teams in history."

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & potentially experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes from earlier this cycle! These are not official notes and may be incomplete.


Context & Notes

1) Riot Scruffy provided a preview of 10.19 balance:

"Patch Preview for 10.19 is here early!  
We're trying to get ahead before the long weekend. This is the worlds patch so expect that the changes will be fairly small. Full details next tuesday."





9/4 PBE Update: Skin Tweaks & Continued TFT Testing

The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 10.19 PBE cycle, today's patch includes skin tweaks for PsyOps Kayle , continued TFT: Fates te...


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