모바일게임 포켓몬GO 이벤트 정보 소식 공략글 💜 포켓몬고 하세요! 🌟 포켓몬고를 사랑하는 게임 블로거입니다. : Pokémon GO 🌟 웨더볼 기술을 배운 성원숭 냉동펀치 강제변경 줬다 뺏냐...? Trainers, Primeape that know Weather Ball will have this attack updated to Ice Punch, or Close Combat if Ice Punch is already unlocked as a second Charged Attack. We'll also be granting 50,000 Stardust to affected Trainers for the inconvenience caused. twitter.com/NianticHelp/status/13..